I am spending the morning riding with a posse of friends, new and old, and am so looking forward to ripping some redwood lined singletrack.
I hope your day is filled with outdoor goodness: breathe the fresh air all the way down to the bottom of your lungs, feel the hills in your legs, the wind in your hair (or over your bald melon as is my case), and look around you while you are out there because there is plenty to see.
Be good,
Marin Fit is more than a state of body; it's a state of mind. No gyms here. I prefer to commune with nature while exploring the satisfaction of exercise. Marinites have a natural glow of outdoor fitness; no fake tans, no fake muscles, just plenty of long, lean musculature found only in nature’s creatures. If you agree check us out and get on the program. Email marinfitforyou [at] gmail.com. We look forward to working with you on your way to a lean, long and fitter self.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
A Day In The Life ... Of Me
Okay, so here is a little peak into my day. All of it is good, outside of the beer and wine. But, and there is always a but, all work and no play is no fun at all. Just remember a dash of discipline goes a long way. It's the lifestyle that is important; if the rest gets in the way of the lifestyle then change is needed.
So here you go. You ready for this? And you may ask why the trophy picture? Just to show that discipline, hard work and having fun can go a long way. The recipients of that trophy worked their rears off, deserve it for their effort and had fun acquiring said hardware. Or could it be metaphor, symbolism for how rewarding it is to set a goal, work towards that goal every day, and achieve that goal over time? Or all of the above? The answer, you may ask. Is ... YES.
So here you go. You ready for this? And you may ask why the trophy picture? Just to show that discipline, hard work and having fun can go a long way. The recipients of that trophy worked their rears off, deserve it for their effort and had fun acquiring said hardware. Or could it be metaphor, symbolism for how rewarding it is to set a goal, work towards that goal every day, and achieve that goal over time? Or all of the above? The answer, you may ask. Is ... YES.
There are approximately 3500 calories in a pound a fat. A 500 calorie deficit a day and it takes a week to lose a pound. Slower is faster and steady is fine.
Do You Drink Enough Water?
Do you drink enough water each day? Sure the amount varies for everyone and there are no "true", stick to it numbers but the chart above is a good place to start.
I have this cat I race cyclocross (video below for those who don't what this discipline is) with and his mantra is drink "lits of izer", which translates in to drinks "lots of water". He is right. Staying hydrated is the best place to start on your new lifestyle. Water is the one of the only things we humans should drink: coffee and green tea being the other two.
Well, I am off to go for an hour and a half recovery spin soon. Time to stretch out the legs a bit before the boys and I go for a Tuesday Bo Ridge mountain bike rip. Sure, I will be riding longish and slow tomorrow as well, but today and Tuesday are my focus. The recent spate of short and difficult mountain bike rides have my legs screaming at me for some spinning - that is high revolution, low resistance - and some active recovery.
Keep a look out for the next post. I will give you the breakdown of my day, diet and exercise, and show the ins and outs of caloric intake and expenditure.
Enjoy the day ... Get outside.
I have this cat I race cyclocross (video below for those who don't what this discipline is) with and his mantra is drink "lits of izer", which translates in to drinks "lots of water". He is right. Staying hydrated is the best place to start on your new lifestyle. Water is the one of the only things we humans should drink: coffee and green tea being the other two.
Keep a look out for the next post. I will give you the breakdown of my day, diet and exercise, and show the ins and outs of caloric intake and expenditure.
Enjoy the day ... Get outside.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Short And Efficient
This morning was one of those spectacular rides: good company, a lot of vertical, some sweet singletrack, a few aggressive cows, a coyote and some short and sweet suffering. I love where I live and being out of doors.
This is the breakdown of my morning:
This is the breakdown of my morning:
- 10 mile ride
- 1867 feet of vert
- 800 calories out
- smiles all the way
- all before 10am
Well, it looks like I will be walking the dog, spending some time with my family, then off to watch some MMA with my friends.
It is beautiful outside. Please, I implore you, get out there and enjoy it. Take a walk. Let the sun shine on you. Smile.
Talk soon,
PS. Go outside now. Drop whatever it is you are doing unless it involves your children or sex (that burns calories as well :-)
Friday, December 27, 2013
Benefits Of A Rest Day
Sometimes it is best to just lay off for a day. It is hard to believe but it's true. Today is my rest day. I am on the mountain bike tomorrow and Sunday. Here is a quick list as to why We at Marin Fit believe in rest:
Seven benefits of rest: |
Aids Recovery: a day or two off per week is plenty to allow bone, muscle,
tendons and ligaments the time to recover and repair themselves. Muscle
growth occurs during rest periods, not during exercise
2. Keeps you healthy: avoids the risk of the immune response being compromised due to over-training |
3. Helps you sleep: adequate sleep allows the mind to repair itself and develop new connections (useful when learning new skills, adaptations) |
4. Lowers stress: decreases abnormal levels of cortisol (stress hormone): This will allow alertness, productivity and general health to be maintained |
5. More energy throughout the day: adequate rest helps you avoid energy slumps during the day, ensuring workouts are more effective and efficient |
6. Boosts brain function: allows for better concentration and focus. |
7. Makes
you feel lazy: and inspires you to get back to
work. Well, I am out for now. I need to go fuel up for my ride tomorrow. And stay tuned. Check back tomorrow for a ride update and perhaps another tip. There will be a New Year contest and give away to a lucky few. Regards, J |
There are a Multitude of Reasons I Workout Outside
This is a shot of a tree that my daughter and I noticed while we were out walking our big yellow lab ... all getting some much needed exercise.
And this I noticed while out on a bike ride around Pt. San Pedro. Wonder who is responsible for this awesome holiday float. I checked my peeps out there and no one is copping to it.
A good friend of mine is in town for the holidays. We grew up together ... here ... and we ride whenever we can. We rode up the Skywalker trail in Lucas Valley, four of us in all. At the top Puppster said, "let's go up to that grove of Oak trees. I always imagined I would see a mountain lion lounging in the sun in the big branches ... if I were ever to see a mountain lion."
Well, Pete the Puma was definitely not lounging in the branches. But as we were chatting and taking in the beautiful view, I noticed some motion on the fire road to my left, their right. And, yup, a big ole kitty was just strolling along the dirt road. Now that is my third sighting in the same general area over as many years, likely the same kitty given my minimal knowledge of their hunting area and whatnot.
The theme, the point, you may be asking. Well, simple really; I assure you it would be impossible to see the wonderful colors of nature on a tree, an heartfelt expression of the holiday spirit on the bay, and a big ole bad a** kitty cat in a gymnasium. Those things can only be found out of doors.
We live in Marin. I have been around the block and I assure you we live in one of the more special places on the planet.
If you are not getting the most out of where you reside, out of what you eat and what you do in your "spare" time, look us up. We will not only open your lungs, your legs, a dormant part of you that should be regimen, life, we will also open your eyes to the beauty that surrounds you every day.
Contact us if you are interested. A month with us costs less than a week of trendy coffee drinks. It's better for you and those around you. And eyes wide open are way better than eyes wide shut.
420wear [at] gmail dot com
And this I noticed while out on a bike ride around Pt. San Pedro. Wonder who is responsible for this awesome holiday float. I checked my peeps out there and no one is copping to it.
A good friend of mine is in town for the holidays. We grew up together ... here ... and we ride whenever we can. We rode up the Skywalker trail in Lucas Valley, four of us in all. At the top Puppster said, "let's go up to that grove of Oak trees. I always imagined I would see a mountain lion lounging in the sun in the big branches ... if I were ever to see a mountain lion."
Well, Pete the Puma was definitely not lounging in the branches. But as we were chatting and taking in the beautiful view, I noticed some motion on the fire road to my left, their right. And, yup, a big ole kitty was just strolling along the dirt road. Now that is my third sighting in the same general area over as many years, likely the same kitty given my minimal knowledge of their hunting area and whatnot.
The theme, the point, you may be asking. Well, simple really; I assure you it would be impossible to see the wonderful colors of nature on a tree, an heartfelt expression of the holiday spirit on the bay, and a big ole bad a** kitty cat in a gymnasium. Those things can only be found out of doors.
We live in Marin. I have been around the block and I assure you we live in one of the more special places on the planet.
If you are not getting the most out of where you reside, out of what you eat and what you do in your "spare" time, look us up. We will not only open your lungs, your legs, a dormant part of you that should be regimen, life, we will also open your eyes to the beauty that surrounds you every day.
Contact us if you are interested. A month with us costs less than a week of trendy coffee drinks. It's better for you and those around you. And eyes wide open are way better than eyes wide shut.
420wear [at] gmail dot com
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Treat Yourself To Something Nice
Happy Holidays.
I hope you all are well this holiday season. Eat, drink and be merry. But let us not forget to take those things that are harmful to our lifestyle in with ..... dundundun ..... moderation.
I have started posting my rides on this site. check back and see what I am up to and maybe, just maybe, you will get inspired and inquire into what we at Marin Fit are all about.
Just an email away 420wear [at] gmail dot com
Again, happy holidays and we look forward to hearing from you.
The folk at Marin Fit
I hope you all are well this holiday season. Eat, drink and be merry. But let us not forget to take those things that are harmful to our lifestyle in with ..... dundundun ..... moderation.
I have started posting my rides on this site. check back and see what I am up to and maybe, just maybe, you will get inspired and inquire into what we at Marin Fit are all about.
Just an email away 420wear [at] gmail dot com
Again, happy holidays and we look forward to hearing from you.
The folk at Marin Fit
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