Plan and Rates

Friday, January 3, 2014

Felt a Lot Like Poop Today

You ever get all geared up and ready for a workout?  I am talking about a proper breakfast: oatmeal, berries, almonds, sugar free syrup, a big cup o' espresso.  I am talking getting mentally prepared the night previous, knowing the route, the amount of effort, setting goals kind of ready where there is no way that it won't be a killer day?  I did.  And I sucked.  I was tired.  I was spent.  I wanted to turn around and limp home with my tail between my legs.  I resembled something brown that rhymed with Snoop (and no I am not talking about Dr. Dre).  So what do you do?

There are a lot of schools of thought on this one.  Some say just pack it in and go home - not an option for me.  Some say put your head down and drive and bury the pain - man the eff up, if you will pardon the poor language.  Some, like me, believe it is best to slow it down, find a slightly uncomfortable rhythm, and continue on your way.  It could turn around.  You could feel better.  You could feel like poop for the time you are out there but, and there is always a but, I assure you you will feel better after the workout, weak as it may be, than if you cave and go home.  Quitting is not an option.  We all have bad days.  I had one today. They suck.  We all agree.  But they are few.

If you want to know more about 'bonking' please ask.  I have been there more times than I care to admit.  Eat.  Hydrate.  Get past the weakness and carry on.  That is what we do.



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