Plan and Rates

Sunday, November 30, 2014

I Like The Rain

Howdy All,

I made it through the holidays, and I am almost through the sickness.  I cannot believe how long this muck has hung on.  It's horrible. But getting better.  The picture above was from our little sojourn to the towers.  It was not fast but it was complete. 

And the rain is falling now.  I am trying to decide on a quick, short run or rest.  I guess my Strava feed will tell all, unless I forget my phone which has happened once or twice.



Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Back At It

Post sickness and back at it.  Though I still may be a little out of my mind as I forgot to bring my phone for tracking.  Got in a little late hike yesterday.  Felt good....ish.  Still a bit snotty.

As we all know the holidays are here.  Don't over do the food or the booze.  Here are 5 easy tips to keep it together:

  1. Exercise early and throw in some interval work, just work out.
  2. Eat and drink well but in moderation.
  3. Lots of water, drink lots of water, like a glass between every cocktail.
  4. Vegetables, lots of them and not sugary ones.
  5. Get the family involved in a walk post meal.
Happy Holidays,


Friday, November 21, 2014

Still Ill

I am still ill.  This has been no fun at all.  Sinus cold.  Waterfall in my ear.  Eye socket pressure. Teeth ache.  Green phlegm oozing out of me.  But, and there is always a but, I have turned the corner and am looking to fire up the exercise this weekend.  I hate being sick.  It's like one step forwards, two steps back.  But move on I must and will.

See you Saturday,


Saturday, November 15, 2014

I Left Snot Mines All Over

So like I said, I am very sick.  I went for a hike today to try to 'plow through' the sickness, my usual modus operandi.  In hindsight, that may not have been the best idea.  The mucus that came out of me may contaminate the entire hillside, could cause the next plague, may be the cure for ebola........I kid.  I did blow some good snot rockets and, at times, the expectorate was so thick it hung from my proboscis like some sort of starchy rope.  My throat, my poor aching throat, feels like someone put out a fire with spiked golf shoes.  My sweat was more slippery than usual, almost left a film in the air, an areola of sorts in my wake.  My smell, well I am sure that was something extraordinary.  Let me put it this way, I am pleased that my olfactory senses are muted and dead.......

Suffice it to say, I hope this sickness subsides.  My effort to 'plow through' it was a, well, good effort.  I will try again tomorrow.  Oh, and the coaching begins again tomorrow.  There are some softball hungry young ladies that want to play; I will accommodate.

'Plow Through',


Friday, November 14, 2014


I have been in a world of hurt for the last 4 days.  I have been couch surfing and snot rocketing.  I have been dehydrating (not on purpose) and not eating well because I have had no appetite.  I am back at the grind today and plan on sweating out some of the funk on a long, slow hike.  We shall see how it goes.

Get out and sweat it out,


Monday, November 10, 2014

The Week Ahead

What a great weekend.  I am tired, bike tired, good tired.  That means today I hike,  Tomorrow I ride the mountain bike.  Wednesday is 'cross ride day.  Thursday will be a hike - I hear there may be rain - woooohooo.  I love the rain.  And rain means Friday mudfest.  Yes, please.

What the weekend holds in store is anyone's guess, though if I were a betting man I would lay paper on 2 rides and at least one hike.

Weekdays = MarinFit Circuit Work Out

See you out there,


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Good Morning Moon

Check out the full moon. The picture does not do it justice.  It was so large I felt like I could reach out and touch it.

Good 'cross ride and a short afternoon hike.

Sunday morning Tam shred with Pablo is 40 minutes from fruition.

What did you do?

Friday, November 7, 2014

'Cross Ride

Yes.  Now that is a little more like it.  Riding the 'cross bike.  On Tam.  With Jim.  That, my friends is the type of set up that turns a workout into fun. And they should be fun .... Sometimes :-).

AndI am not one to push a brand of anything on anyone, but the headphones above kick rear. I got my 14 year old a pair and even he agrees.  He's 14.  I'm just saying.
There will be a hike later, and I already blasted out the MarinFit Work Out.
I am done for the day.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Got a MTB Ride In

I got out on the mountain bike today, even if my ride was cut short by a mechanical. I also completed the MarinFit Work Out.

Did you get yours?