Plan and Rates

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Seven Simple Steps to Success

Are you ready, because this shit is easy ......
  1. Cut out sugar
  2. Avoid white foods
  3. Give your body a 12-hour fast everyday (8pm-8am) – the true meaning of breakfast is “break the fast.”
  4. Get regular exercise - see picture above - that is my exercise of choice!
  5. Eat organic whole foods
  6. Eliminated processed foods
  7. Eliminated chemicals in food – avoid anything with ingredients that you’re unable to pronounce or unsure of what it is 
Now wasn't that easy!

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Basics

Just a teaser here for you, some simple things to think about before you embark upon your journey to a fitter self.  These are some simple rules to think about.  Seriously, you have to know what you are getting yourself into: waking up fresh and rested, fueling the body for exercise, the mind for peace ....... read on.  We are almost ready to get up and running for real.  Check back soon.

The Basics
Getting fit (notice I did not say losing weight) is simple mathematics.  Honestly, it’s all about calories in versus calories out.  The key is ingesting enough calories to fuel the body and mind without overfilling the tank and adding, yup, the dreaded FAT. 

Calorie Needs to lose weight
There are approximately 3500 calories in a pound of stored body fat. So, if you create a 3500-calorie deficit through diet, exercise or a combination of both, you will lose one pound of body weight. (On average 75% of this is fat, 25% lean tissue) If you create a 7000 calorie deficit you will lose two pounds and so on. The calorie deficit can be achieved either by calorie-restriction alone, or by a combination of fewer calories in (diet) and more calories out (exercise). This combination of diet and exercise is best for lasting weight loss. Indeed, sustained weight loss is difficult or impossible without increased regular exercise.

If you want to lose fat, a useful guideline for lowering your calorie intake is to reduce your calories by at least 500, but not more than 1000 below your maintenance level. For people with only a small amount of weight to lose, 1000 calories will be too much of a deficit. As a guide to minimum calorie intake, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that calorie levels never drop below 1200 calories per day for women or 1800 calories per day for men. Even these calorie levels are quite low.

An alternative way of calculating a safe minimum calorie-intake level is by reference to your body weight or current body weight. Reducing calories by 15-20% below your daily calorie maintenance needs is a useful start. You may increase this depending on your weight loss goals.

How one achieves a balance is as different as each person.  Starvation is not an option.  Eating crap all day long is not an option.  What is an option are your choices of fuel.   We will discuss the possibilities if you are serious.  Are you serious?  If you are email us @ 420wear [@]

Be smart, eat right, exercise and don’t, I repeat DO NOT, drink your calories.   

Are you ready?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Marin Fit - Day 1

Marin fit is more than a state of body; it’s a state of mind.  While working out in a gym is great for some, I prefer to commune with nature, the elements, while exploring the rigors and satisfaction of exercise.  What better place to do this than Marin County.  I was unfortunate enough to live in New Jersey for four, long and dark years.  While there someone once asked me what I missed most about Marin.  That was easy: the open space, the mountains, lakes, parks, trails all right there for the taking.  What about the people they asked?  The brief but telling description I came up with was this: The people of Marin have about them a natural glow, one of sun wisdom and outdoor fitness.  There are no fake tans, no fake muscles, just plenty of long, lean and sensual musculature found only in nature and nature’s creatures. 
That’s what we at Marin Fit want to share with you.  We have a plan, a plan for you but only if you are ready.  This is a lifestyle not a regimen or a diet.  You must be ready to see a change, make that change.  We are blessed to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world.  Come explore it with us on your way to a new, fitter self. 
If you have any questions, we can be reached at 420wear[@]
Let’s get Marin Fit together!